Recover Online Order Form

Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP and VISTA.
Repairs Visual Foxpro (3-9) AND old FPD/FPW Foxpro files.
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( Not sure which to get? Click here.) $USD
Purchase Terms
Due to the nature of this product and the licensing terms, Recover software cannot be returned or refunded for any reason. Defective product may be exchanged for the same product.
SINGLE USER LICENSE ( Single user license entitles the original purchaser, to use Recover on a single computer by a single user for each copy purchased. It is to be used as a separate application and not programatically integrated into other applications.
Distributable royalty free license entitles you, the original purchaser of Recover, to royalty free distribution of Recover with your own legitimate application (.APP or .EXE), as long as your application was generated on single CPU by same programmer/developer and Recover is used only within your own application and is setup to error scan or repair files only used in the application and not distributed as a general repair package. You cannot have any intention of distributing copies of Recover for free or for gain of any type.
SITE LICENSES: Available per user (single user license) or per developer (royalty free compiled code license). Contact us for prices.
- DISCLAIMER: Recover is supplied as is without warranty of any kind. Abri Technologies disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. Abri Technologies assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Recover software. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Abri Technologies.