Affordable Pawn Shop Software
for Windows since 1994

Important Announcement: After over 20 years years of selling WinPawn, we will be exiting the pawnshop software business due to the death of the founder and lead developer. Future plans for WinPawn are not known at this time, but we're open to finding a buyer and are exploring several options.

As of March 30, 2015, we will no longer be accepting trial signups.

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Winpawn 5.00 Installation:

  • Step 1. Download the installation file
    Save/download to hard drive and then install. Do not install from Internet.
    (You must have Windows full administrative permissions to install and run WinPawn.
    For important PC settings click here )

  • Step 2. Download additional file for your state or territory if it is on the list.

  • NOTE: Uninstall any active memory resident virus software and use Windows firewall instead. Click here for other recommendations.


By using WinPawn software you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

The temporary authorization license is only for evaluation of WinPawn for your use. That license is only given for the initial authorized period.

The registered license is to the original purchaser of the WinPawn license and is not transferable. Only one copy of WinPawn can be installed and used on purchaser's single computer and any licensed computer workstations working together as a single shared database system. Each additional installation at a different location requires a separate license purchase. Unauthorized accepting or distributing copies of this licensed software is illegal and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent of the law. Copies are allowed for licensee archive purposes.

WinPawn is supplied as is without warranty of any kind. Abri Technologies disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. Abri Technologies assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of WinPawn.