Affordable Pawn Shop Software
for Windows since 1994

Important Announcement: After over 20 years years of selling WinPawn, we will be exiting the pawnshop software business due to the death of the founder and lead developer. Future plans for WinPawn are not known at this time, but we're open to finding a buyer and are exploring several options.

As of March 30, 2015, we will no longer be accepting trial signups.

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Version Upgrades

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WinPawn Version 5.00 upgrade.
Upgrading from Version 4.00 to 5.00:

Version 5.00 upgrade from 4.00 is half price (no discount prior to V 4.00)

How to upgrade to V5.00:

Make sure that you have done the latest Version 4.00 update first (see [Free Maint. Updates] section).

  1. Install Version 5.00
  2. Import old Winpawn version data to WinPawn 5.00 by copying the UPGRADE50.APP (see below) file to the installed Winpawn 5.00 main data directory and then just restart WinPawn 5.00. WinPawn will then import your old WinPawn version data to WinPawn 5.00 directory.
    This has been tested for upgrading from V 4.00 but may also work for older 3.xx versions.

Download upgrade file ( is compressed inside file) and extract it into the WinPawn 5.00 folder/directory.