Affordable Pawn Shop Software
for Windows since 1994

Important Announcement: After over 20 years years of selling WinPawn, we will be exiting the pawnshop software business due to the death of the founder and lead developer. Future plans for WinPawn are not known at this time, but we're open to finding a buyer and are exploring several options.

As of March 30, 2015, we will no longer be accepting trial signups.

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WinPawn Free maintenance updates
Free WinPawn maintenance updates:

NOTE: WinPawn 5.00 is the new current version. There are no new further updates for Version 4.00.
For upgrading to 5.00 please click Version Upgrades page (button on left).

Click on your version to download latest revision update.

  • Version 5.00 (2012/08/08) Correct checkbox bug in inventory report window.
    Update steps:
    1. Backup your entire WinPawn software before updates in case of problems.
    2. Exit WinPawn on all stations
    3. Download above file and execute it on each Winpawn workstation.

    View changes list

  • Previous versions 2.00/2.01/3.00/3.10/3.20/4.00
    Version 5.00 updates cannot be used for previous versions or to upgrade from previous versions. Upgrade to latest version requires upgrade license purchase.

Cameras for WinPawn

Some expensive commercial photo-ID cameras are available and can be used with the TWAIN method. Logitech and other vendors of popular inexpensive consumer WebCams are changing models as quickly as their socks to satisfy the latest consumer demand for gadgets and not for business use. But a few of these consumer WebCams can be used with WinPawn.

The following methods were found to work with some popular webcams.

  • TWAIN option camera process(11/11/2009) is a convenient way to take pictures.

  • Enhanced CAMSOFT Method(11/30/2009) with Logitech and other WebCams.
  • CAMSOFT Method This may work for some computer cameras. Select the CAMSOFT method in WinPawn - File/SystemSetup /WorkStationSetup. See WinPawn manual section 3.5 for more instructions.

Receipt printer for Sales/LayAways.

  • In WinPawn menu File/SystemSetup/WorkstationSetup you can check "Use 3" receipt printer for Sales/Layaways" This allows printing simple 3 inch wide paper tape tear-off receipts on printers like "Star SP200" for Sales and LayAways. You must install the "Generic / Text Only" windows driver in Windows connected to the printer. The printer name must be "Generic / Text Only"

Electronic Fingerprint Scanning

  • (11/13/2009) WinPawn can use a fingerprint scanner to record fingerprints in digital file form for providing fingerprints to police where required. This feature is NOT for WinPawn customer identification or recognition or employee login or other imaginary uses.

    WinPawn uses M2-EasyScan fingerprint scanner from company. WinPawn fingerprint scanning only works with the scanner from this company. After you purchase the scanner you can download the M2-S device driver for XP software and install it on your PC. For 64 bit operating PC in Vista or Windows 7 click here.

    You also must download the extra Winpawn fingerprint scanner files Extract the files and put them into the Winpawn directory (usually c:\wpawn500).

Graphics Package files.

  • (04-01) zip file. Unzip all the files into your WinPawn directory.

driver license scanner Driver License Magnetic Strip Scanning.

  • (04-28-2009) In number of US states and elsewhere driver licenses have a magnetic strip with personal data which can be scanned with a credit card type scanner. WinPawn requires a keyboard emulation type scanner - 3 track reader. (The following links are samples of this type of scanner: MagTek SureSwipe - Item # 21040145, MagTek SureSwipe, Magtek 21040147 Mini USB )

    To activate DL reader in WinPawn download file and copy it to the winpawn directory (usually c:\wpawn500). After you copy it there you will see an extra field in new customer entry waiting for you to scan the DL.

    If you do use the driver license scanning, make sure that the format scanned is correct for police reports. For example expiry format Xmmyy may not be correct for your police report and you need to correct it each time.

Latest US ATF 4473 print format files.

  • (10-98) file. Unzip and replace older files in your WinPawn directory.

Thermal Label Printers:

Removable labels - 30/sheet:

You can get removable labels that do not leave sticky mess when removed.

Here is one source: go to and select WL-875WR in the "Select material" box.
Another source is:
And another:

How to set custom printer page size

WinPawn manual section 3.5 - camera twack_32.exe utility

  • Download camera twack_32.exe utility to select default TWAIN device - see section 3.5 of instruction manual:
    Click here (10/07/05)

Hints for adding additional workstations

  1. Install WinPawn on additional workstation
  2. Setup a peer LAN between the workstations.
  3. Get full administrative access permissions between the PCs - see wp-PC_settings.html specially near bottom
  4. In Winpawn go to File/SystemSetup/WorkstationSetup and click on the small yellow ? help button. Down on the page you will see instructions for the server connection.